QR Codes
Pikes Makerspace (PPM) uses unique QR Codes throughout the building:
- QR Code on our "Mall Map", which links to the PPM Wiki Main page
- QR Code to link to our Waiver
- QR Code to our Wood Shop Check-in / Check-out
- QR Code on our Vented Room storage cabinet
- We use QR Codes to link to payment services Cheddar Up and PayPal
- We use QR Codes for promoting services such as King Soopers Rewards
- We use QR Codes for promoting events like Repair Cafe
- Finally, we have plans to incorporate QR Codes even more extensively in the near future, to link into our wiki, for example.
Contact Us if you cannot find your answer here on our Wiki or if you notice any information that is outdated.
What Is a QR Code?
A QR Code, short for “Quick Response Code”, is an advanced type of scannable 2D matrix barcode (a square).
It can code up to about 1000 characters, far more than a linear barcode (such as a UPC.)
What Is a QR Code? — Jotform.com
QR Codes — adafruit.com
13 QR-Code Usability Guidelines — NN/g
Curated Collection of QR Code Creators:
QRCode Monkey
- QR Codes with Logo, Color and Design
- 100% free, this includes all commercial purposes
- Pick Extensions-> Render-> Bar Code / QR Code... and fill in the dialog box
Easy QR Generator — including Image QR
WolframAlpha website
- free, no registration required
- Change: "link" to whatever you want coded
- Test the resulting image,
- Right click to save.
Additional Help
Links to related PPM Wiki pages:
Use the PPM Slack channel #computing
List of all PPM Slack channels
Note that we have a Slack channel (#job-board) for members to post, discuss, or accept job opportunities either within PPM or from the community.
Search the PPM Wiki — include Content pages as well as Multimedia.
Contact Us if you cannot find your answer here on our Wiki or if you notice any information that is outdated.