Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi's are "single-board and modular computers or micro controllers, built on the Arm architecture, often running a Linux operating system."
To help out with Raspberry Pi projects at PPM, post your ideas and comments on our Slack #electronics channel.
All our members can work on their Raspberry Pi projects at PPM without any additional required training (Level 1).
Links to related PPM Wiki pages:
External Training
- Product Information Portal
- Raspberry Pi — official documentation
- MagPi — The official Raspberry Pi magazine
- https://store.rpipress.cc/ — Raspberry Pi PRESS
- https://magpi.raspberrypi.com/books — free downloads
- https://learn.adafruit.com/groups/learn-raspberry-pi — by Simon Monk
The Raspberry Pi was originally going be a computer that could only run the Python language.
(That is how it got the second half of its name.)
- 50 Raspberry Pi Hacks & Tips You Should Know
- Five Ways To Run a Program On Your Raspberry Pi At Startup
- Rotate the Raspberry Pi screen
- To find out which shell you're using, run the command
echo $SHELL
orps $$
- List/check installed fonts
fc-list | grep "DejaVu Sans"
- If the Pi 3 B+ seems slow or unresponsive, check the green light at the edge of the board for activity
- WolframMark Benchmark Results:
- Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ (2017), 1400 MHz: 0.14
- Raspberry Pi 400, 1800 MHz: 0.23
- Raspberry Pi 4 Model B (2018), 2000 MHz: 0.24
- To find out which shell you're using, run the command
Shut down the Raspberry Pi properly:
(just pulling the plug could cause memory card corruption.)
- ☐ Use the graphical user interface (GUI), or
- ☐ Use the command:
sudo shutdown -h now
Cheat Sheets
Links to external sites:
Raspberry Pi Commands Cheat Sheet
- on makeuseof.com
Raspberry Pi cheat sheet
- on techrepublic.com
Application Software
Links to external sites:
- Raspberry Pi Imager — install Raspberry Pi OS and other operating systems
- Mathematica — free license on every Raspberry Pi
- Geany — powerful, stable and lightweight programmer's text editor
- Scratch — the world’s largest coding community for children
- Processing — language for learning and prototyping
- Sonic Pi — code-based music creation and performance tool
- tmux — allows multiple terminal sessions simultaneously
- LibreOffice — "private, free and open source office suite"
- ImageMagick — create, edit, compose, or convert digital images
- Fritzing — open source software to document, share, layout, and manufacture professional PCBs
Member Showcase
- Our Raspberry Pi-based kiosk documentation and code — on GitHub
- For even more member projects, visit our #showcase channel on Slack.
Past Events
- Pi Day, March 14th (3/14), is celebrated yearly often by eating pie, pizza, and/or reciting the digits of pi.
- It was started in 1988 by the Exploratorium museum in San Francisco: https://www.exploratorium.edu/pi
Hand-Curated Links
Links to member-recommended external sites:
- Raspberry Pi tutorials — " build easily and affordably'
- https://octoprint.org/ — OctoPrint is a web interface for your 3D printer(s)
Links to YouTube:
- How Raspberry Pis are made — Jeff Geerling (14:16 mins)
- 10 years of Raspberry Pi — by Eben Upton, CEO (6:47 mins)
- Sam Aaron live coding — Sonic Pi demos
Links to other external sites:
- The Computers that Made Britain — Raspberry Pi Press
- Kali Linux on your Raspberry Pi 4 — pen testing platform
- Multiple Raspberry PI 3D Scanner — on AUTODESK Instructables
- SparkFun Electronics — source of Raspberry Pi's and electronic components
Additional Help
Links to related PPM Wiki pages:
- Sonic Pi Tips — code-based music creation and live performance tool
- Pi-hole Tips — network-wide ad blocking application
Use the PPM Slack channels #electronics or #general
List of all PPM Slack channels
Note that we have a Slack channel (#job-board) for members to post, discuss, or accept job opportunities either within PPM or from the community.
Search the PPM Wiki — include Content pages as well as Multimedia.
Contact Us if you cannot find your answer here on our Wiki or if you notice any information that is outdated.