USDZ File Format Tips

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Revision as of 18:12, 16 July 2024 by Warren (talk | contribs)
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USD stands for Universal Scene Description, a "ecosystem" for building and collaborating with 3D objects and 3D worlds.

"USDZ" is an archive of files that describe 3D object characteristics such as materials, textures, lighting, and animations. USDZ is used in Augmented Reality (AR) development.

Other related formats for scene descriptions are "USDA" (ASCII encoded) and "USDC" (binary encoded).

Contact Us if you cannot find your answer here on our Wiki or if you notice any information that is outdated.



Preview USDZ/USD (with software at PPM)

Adobe Bridge (with extensions?)
Procreate iPad app
Preview — on Macintosh

Import USDZ/USD (with software at PPM)

Blender — Importing USD Files

Export USDZ/USD (with software at PPM)

Autodesk Fusion — Export designs
Blender — Exporting to USD Files
MathematicaExport to USD, USDA, USDC, or USDZ file formats

Links to external sites (

What is the USD File Type? (NVIDIA Studio)
How to Make an Augmented Reality File


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Links to external sites:

Universal Scene Description — on
USDZ file format — on Library of Congress
USD Working Group — Wiki
USD — Universal Scene Description on Wikipedia

Related Pages

Links to related PPM Wiki pages:

Autodesk Fusion Tips
Blender Tips
Visual Studio Code Tips
STL File Format Tips
GitHub Tips
Procreate app Tips
  Computers — Windows  

Hand-Curated Links

Links to member-recommended external sites:

Pixar's Universal Scene Description (USD) technology
Apple Developer Augmented Reality — Examples with animations
What is Universal Scene Description? — Resources on

For Additional Help

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Note that we have a Slack channel (#job-board) for members to post, discuss, or accept job opportunities either within PPM or from the community.

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Contact Us if you cannot find your answer here on our Wiki or if you notice any information that is outdated.

Pikes Peak Makerspace (PPM) is dedicated to supporting our maker community in their creative processes by providing shared space, shared tools, materials, software, and a knowledge base to turn their ideas into reality.