Large Format Printing

From Pikes Peak Makerspace Wiki
Revision as of 00:16, 2 December 2021 by Warren (talk | contribs)
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File:Large Format Printer Area.jpg
Large Format Printer Area

File:Training Level 2 icon.pdfThe Large Format Printing Area at Pikes Peak Makerspace consists mostly of Level 2 equipment.

Additional training is required to use our Level 2 equipment.

Safety First

Members must know the following information:

In case of emergency, call 911.
Our physical location is:
735 East Pikes Peak Avenue
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
use this when ordering pizza or an ambulance

PPM Fire Escape Plan

Fire Escape Plan maps are posted throughout the Makerspace.
There are 7 fire extinguishers on the fire escape plan map. Review the PPM Fire Escape Plan for locations.

First Aid

There is a FIRST AID Supply Cabinet in our Kitchen Area.
FIRST AID Kits are available in four areas: the Kitchen, Metal Shop, Wood Shop and CNC Room.

Eye Wash Stations

Emergency Eye & Face Wash Stations are mounted in four areas: the Kitchen, Wood Shop, CNC Room and Vented Room.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Wear protective equipment in all Wood and Metal Shop Areas.
Wear gloves when using Isopropyl Alcohol and other cleaners.

Hazardous Chemicals

All hazardous chemicals must be stored in the yellow hazardous chemical storage cabinet located in the Vented Room.
Review the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) information of unknown products before use.
SDS information is available via the QR code on the hazardous chemical storage cabinet or this spreadsheet.
Do not bring dangerous chemicals to the makerspace.
Spray paint, stains, and other approved items must be stored in the hazardous chemical storage cabinet in the Vented Room.
Please DO NOT paint indoors.


The use of PPM equipment requires you to be alert, attentive, and focused.
Do not use any PPM work area, or any PPM tools, if you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Classes and Training

Area Captain



Pikes Peak Makerspace announces its Upcoming events, including classes, on Meetup

For Help

Use the #large-format-printer channel in Slack!

Get started here: Large Format Printer Refresher video by Logan Henning


HP DesignJet 5500 Users Guide - External Link
HP DesignJet 5500 Quick Reference Guide - External Link

Equipment Lists

Large Format Printer
Picture Item Manufacturer Model


Estimated Value Manual Serial


Owner Status Problem


Large Format Printer

File:Training Level 2 icon.pdf

hp designjet 5500ps $750 Yes

(pocket guide)

SG59R3Y005 PPM working


pocket guide hp PPM
File:Wide Format Supplies cart.jpg
Large Format Printing Supplies
Large Format Printing Supplies
Item Weight Size Quantity Recommendation
Poster Grade Glossy Paper 36" 1 Buy -- Almost Out
Matte White Canvas 35" 1 Buy -- Almost Out
Presentation Grade Matte Paper 36" 1
Bright White Bond Paper 20lb 30" 1
Premium Matte Paper 47lb 24" 1
Bright White Bond Paper 20lb 33" 1
Bright White Bond Paper 20lb 23.5" 3
Heavy Weight Coated Paper 36" 1
Bright White Bond Paper 20lb 24" 2
Translucent Bond Paper 15lb 24" 1
Off White Bond Paper 24" 1
Bright White Bond Paper 20lb 36" 1
Bright White Bond Paper 20lb 11" 4 Sell
Bright White Bond Paper 20lb 11.5" 2 Sell
Translucent Bond Paper 15lb 36" 6 Sell
Translucent Bond Paper 15lb 48" 2 Sell
Item Weight Size Quantity Recommendation

Wish List

Donations Received

Hand Tools

Return all tools to their proper location after use. This rule applies to all areas of our Makerspace.

A 59" Rotary Cutter is available to use for large format printing projects.




HW Paper $1.00 per foot, Canvas $3.00 per foot

Donate for Materials: (use "Other" drop down menu)

Or, leave donations in a black payment box, or use a QR code.

Help Us Keep Stocked Up!



Scrap and Trash

Please recycle plain paper.


Use either Illustrator or Acrobat from our Design Workstation 3 to print large format files:

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Acrobat


Photo Gallery

(Displayed in no particular order.)

Other Fun Stuff

PPM YouTube Channel

"featured" videos, (the YouTube "HOME" tab)

"Things we've built", Created playlists, including 3D-printed robotic hand (2015)