Shared Tools and Map

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Learn about the Shared Tools in every area at Pikes Peak Makerspace (PPM).

Contact Us if you cannot find your answer here on our Wiki or if you notice any information that is outdated.


Tool Color Map

Shop (Back / South) part of building

Choose a colored link

(Our Wood Shop is our most popular area overall.)

  Wood Shop  
  Wood Shop — SawStop  
  Wood Shop — Festool power tools  
  CNC Router Table   - make a reservation
  Metal Shop  
  Metal Shop — Sandblasting Cabinet  
  Metal Shop — Powder Coating  
  Metal Shop — Welding Area  
  Metal Shop — CNC SHOPMASTER  
  Vented Room   - make a reservation

Clean (Front / North) part of building

Choose a colored link

(Our lasers are the most popular tools in the front part of the building.)

  Laser — BOSS   - make a reservation
  Laser — Epilog Zing   - make a reservation
  3D Printing — Filament (FDM)  
  3D Printing — Resin (SLA)  
  Computers — Windows  
  Computers — Mac and Apple  
  Printers — Large Format  
  Printers — Dye Sublimation  
  Electronics — Soldering  
  Classroom / Meeting Area   - make a reservation
  PPM Library  

PPM Equipment Levels

Shared equipment at PPM is categorized into three levels (1-3):

  • Level 1 - No training required. PPM shared equipment that is immediately available to use by all paid PPM Members.
  • Level 2 - Training required. Equipment *buy-in* (usually just one PPM class, with a small additional fee).
  • Level 3 - PPM certification required. Under supervision of a PPM Captain, or by taking a PPM certification course.
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Contact Us if you cannot find your answer here on our Wiki or if you notice any information that is outdated.