Classroom and Meeting Area

From Pikes Peak Makerspace Wiki
Revision as of 18:31, 16 July 2023 by Warren (talk | contribs)
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Pikes Peak Makerspace (PPM) is dedicated to supporting our maker community in their creative process by providing shared space, shared tools, software, materials and a knowledge base to turn their ideas into reality.

We provide a dedicated area for our members to teach classes and hold meetings.

The area is at the front/north part of our building, with large windows facing Pikes Peak Avenue.

It is roughly 10 x 12 ft., has a conference table that is 4.5 x 8 ft. (and seats about 8 people.)

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Pikes Peak Makerspace announces its Upcoming events, including classes, on Meetup

Always leave the space better than you found it.

For Additional Help

Use the PPM Slack channel #general
List of all PPM Slack channels
Note that we have a Slack channel (#job-board) for members to post, discuss, or accept job opportunities either within PPM or from the community.

See Also

Links to other PPM Wiki pages:

  Dedicated Space(s)  

Other Fun Stuff

Links to external sites:

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Contact Us if you cannot find your answer here on our Wiki or if you notice any information that is outdated.