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== New Members Start Here to Get Started With Slack! ==
== New Members Start Here to Get Started With Slack! ==
=== What is Slack and Why Do We Use It At Pikes Peak Makerspace? ===
=== What is Slack? ===
Slack is a messaging program used to communicate with members associated within an organization. Pikes Peak Makerspace uses Slack to communicate with all its members about up-coming events, potential jobs to bid for on our job board, to showcase the amazing things that get made in our space, and so much more! Slack is the '''official communication solution''' for the makerspace, so if you’re not apart of it you’re missing out!
Slack is a messaging program used to communicate with members associated within an organization.
It is similar to its competitor, Discord, which is a program generally favored by gamers.
=== Why Do We Use Slack at Pikes Peak Makerspace? ===
Pikes Peak Makerspace uses Slack to communicate with all its members about up-coming events, potential jobs to bid for on our job board, to showcase the amazing things that get made in our space, and so much more! Slack is the '''official communication solution''' for the makerspace, so if you’re not apart of it you’re missing out!
=== How Do I Get Access to Slack? ===
=== How Do I Get Access to Slack? ===
After you register for membership and set up payment through Join It (our membership management software), you will automatically receive an invite, via email, to the makerspace’s Slack workspace. '''So check your email!''' It may be possible that the invite landed in your spam box.   
After you register for membership and set up payment through Join It (our membership management software), you will automatically receive an invite, via email, to the makerspace’s Slack workspace. '''So check your email!''' It may be possible that the invite landed in your spam box.   

Revision as of 22:39, 21 February 2023

New Members Start Here to Get Started With Slack!

What is Slack?

Slack is a messaging program used to communicate with members associated within an organization.

It is similar to its competitor, Discord, which is a program generally favored by gamers.

Why Do We Use Slack at Pikes Peak Makerspace?

Pikes Peak Makerspace uses Slack to communicate with all its members about up-coming events, potential jobs to bid for on our job board, to showcase the amazing things that get made in our space, and so much more! Slack is the official communication solution for the makerspace, so if you’re not apart of it you’re missing out!

How Do I Get Access to Slack?

After you register for membership and set up payment through Join It (our membership management software), you will automatically receive an invite, via email, to the makerspace’s Slack workspace. So check your email! It may be possible that the invite landed in your spam box.

Should I Introduce Myself on Slack?

That’s a great question and YES, you absolutely should! In fact, we have an automated workflow in place that will make introducing yourself super easy and fun! Just be on the look out for a direct message from Slack when you first sign into your Slack account.

What Resources Are on Slack That Can Help Me as a New Member?

There is a #new-members channel that is dedicated for new members. It has great resources on where to start, how we operate, and a great place to ask those inevitable "dumb" questions.

Channel Rules, Names and Descriptions

Channel Rules and Good-To-Knows

  • As a new member, you automatically get joined onto the #general, #random, #showcase, #red-tags-issues, #new-members, #job-board, and #events channels. Additionally, there are other public channels that you can join. We don’t assume that you are interested in every machine or equipment we offer, so you can pick and choose which channels you’d like to be apart of!
  • Please be mindful of which channel you are posting to! We try to keep the discussions based on the descriptions given for each channel. Below is a list of all our public channels created in our Slack workspace. Your post or question should fall into one of the channels below, however, when in doubt, post to the #general channel. This channel is used for general conversations.
  • If you need to speak with a director or captain directly, you can send them a direct message on Slack. Some are comfortable with being texted directly or by their personal email address. However, please ask first! As a rule of thumb, Slack is always a safe first option to get in contact with someone at the space. (Even more reason to get on Slack!)

Channel Names and Descriptions

Public Channels

  1. #events: to plan and organize events and communicate with volunteers regarding event details
  2. #job-board: channel to post, discuss, or accept job opportunities either within PPM or from the community
  3. #random: non-work banter and water cooler conversation (remove? no one uses it as intended….)
  4. #red-tags-issues: channel to announce and discuss repair for equipment and tools that have been red tagged or announce other issues
  5. #showcase: channel to showcase your work and receive well deserved praise from your peers!
  6. #general: community-wide announcements and makerspace based matters
  7. #new-members: channel to answer questions from new ppm members

Other Public Channels

  1. #ppm-wiki: channel to discuss the development of our Wiki
  2. #vending-machine-project: channel to discuss the development of "Beverly", our vending machine

Workshop Areas

  1. #3d-printing: channel to discuss topics of or ask support for 3D printing machines
  2. #cnc-machine: channel to discuss topics of or ask support for the CNC machine
  3. #electronics: channel to discuss topics of or ask support for electronics
  4. #fusion-360: channel to discuss topics of or ask support for Fusion 360
  5. #large-format-printer: channel to discuss topics of or ask support for the large format printer
  6. #laser-cutter: channel to discuss topics of or ask support for the BOSS & Zing laser cutters
  7. #metal-shop: channel to discuss topics of or ask support for our Metal Shop
  8. #vinyl-cutter: channel to discuss topics of or ask support for the vinyl cutter (remove; add to another channel? no discussions at all…)
  9. #wood-shop: channel to discuss topics of or ask support for our Wood Shop
  10. #computing: channel to discuss computers and software, even industry trends including Artificial Intelligence

Basic Slack Functions

How do you...

...change your Slack Preferences?

Click on your profile picture (in the top right) and from the drop down menu pick "Preferences" from the (over 10) categories that appear.

...use Slack's Help Feature?

Click on the small question mark just to the left of your profile picture, and type in a question.

For example, typing just "enter key" will retrieve a Help page on how to "Set your Enter key preference".

...mention someone or mention everyone in a channel?

If you want to direct a message to someone within a post, you can use the @ symbol and the member's Slack username.

For example, If you wanted to ask the administrator to add you to a private channel, you could post this in the #general channel,

"Hi! Can I be added to the Tesla access project channel? @PPM Administrator"

That message will directly notify the member! (You could also send the member a direct message!)

If you wanted to message everyone in a specific channel, you can use the @everyone, @channel, or @here:

  • @everyone -> notifies everyone in the #general channel
  • @channel -> notifies all members in a channel
  • @here -> notifies only the active members in a channel

Please use tags like this cautiously! They are big noise makers in Slack and members get annoyed when they are being hit with messages constantly and worse if they are not very important.

A good example of when to use the above tags is when there is a machine down or broken equipment in a work area and you want to notify the right people. We can send a post in the #red-tags-issues channel like this,

"Hey @channel! The band saw is red-tagged due to the blade being off alignment. Our wood shop captain is working on getting it fixed. Please do not use until repaired! Will post here with repair updates".

...join a channel

As a member you can see and join all public channels for this workspace. Feel free to search through the public channels listed on the left side navigation bar and choose to join which channels you want! Need more guidance? Here is a link on how to join a channel.

...mute a channel

Getting too many notifications? Here is a link on how to mute channel or DM notifications.

...leave a channel

Not interested in being in a channel anymore? Here is a link on how to leave a channel.

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Contact Us if you cannot find your answer here on our Wiki or if you notice any information that is outdated.