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'''•''' '''Dedicated Spaces''' are private work areas and should not be entered without permission.
'''Dedicated Spaces''' are private work areas and should not be entered without permission.

Revision as of 23:08, 5 March 2022

Pikes Peak Makerspace (PPM) is dedicated to supporting our maker community in their creative process by providing shared space, shared tools, materials and a knowledge base to turn their ideas into reality.

Our Monthly Dedicated Workbench membership at Pikes Peak Makerspace allows you 24/7 access to the facility, access to all equipment, discounts on classes offered, and best of all, your own personal and private work area!

The cost of a Monthly Dedicated Workbench is $175/month.

Five (5) businesses have a Dedicated Space at PPM.

Welcome to Cozy Supply Co/David Lee, our newest business!

Dedicated Spaces at Pikes Peak Makerspace
Picture PPM Member Business Website Store Date
Daniel Roman Colorado Laser Works
David Lee Cozy Supply Co https://home.cozy.supply 12/21/21
Robbie Cochran Dragon at Heart https://www.dragonatheart.com/  https://www.dragonatheart.com/shop 01/18/21
Ben Severson Esquewire https://www.esquewireart.com https://www.etsy.com/shop/Esquewire 04/01/21
Drew Johnson TechWears https://www.TechWears.com https://www.etsy.com/shop/techwearsco/

Dedicated Spaces are private work areas and should not be entered without permission.

There is currently a Wait List to get a Dedicated Space at Pikes Peak Makerspace.

Contact Drew Johnson to get on our Wait List.

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