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==Other Fun Stuff==
==Other Fun Stuff==
Links to external sites:
Links to external sites:
:'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_6WnhcqBEc&list=PL_Dy-JTi6hDRIhfftAqT5kXUDGynCLa1o Bill Making Stuff] — "Scratch Builder" on YouTube'''

Revision as of 18:29, 16 July 2023

Level 1 badge

Pikes Peak Makerspace (PPM) is dedicated to supporting our maker community in their creative process by providing shared space, shared tools, software, materials and a knowledge base to turn their ideas into reality.

We provide a dedicated area for our members to teach classes and hold meetings.

The area is at the front/north part of our building, with large windows facing Pikes Peak Avenue.

It is roughly 10 x 12 ft., has a conference table that is 4.5 x 8 ft. (and seats about 8 people.)

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Please post your suggestions on our Slack channel #ppm-wiki.



Pikes Peak Makerspace announces its Upcoming events, including classes, on Meetup

For Additional Help

Use the PPM Slack channel #general
List of all PPM Slack channels
Note that we have a Slack channel (#job-board) for members to post, discuss, or accept job opportunities either within PPM or from the community.

Red Tags

If equipment needs repairs, place a Red Tag on it and report it via the Pikes Peak Makerspace Slack channel #red-tags-issues
This advises others on the malfunctioning equipment and ensures that actions can be taken to service/repair the equipment promptly.

Scrap and Trash

Trash day is MONDAY
Recycling day is MONDAY (96 gallon tote)
Single Stream Recycling provided by Waste Connections. Paper, cardboard, cans, glass, and one time use plastics.
Empty recycling and trash into our dumpster at the back (south side) of the building.
Always leave the space better than you found it.

See Also

Links to other PPM Wiki pages:

  Dedicated Space(s)  

Other Fun Stuff

Links to external sites:

Search the PPM Wiki — include Content pages as well as Multimedia.

Contact Us if you cannot find your answer here on our Wiki or if you notice any information that is outdated.